Friday, February 20, 2009

Crazy Days

It's been a bit, er, interesting around here. Dean had one really good phone interview this morning for a job in Baltimore, and has another one next week for a job in Cleveland. Things are cooking! We're getting our house fixed up soon, maybe sooner than we were thinking. The kids and I are trying to figure out what to do to be out of the house for two weeks. If one of these next jobs comes through, we could be moving in SIX WEEKS. Eek. We're trying to get rid of as much as possible. No sense in moving most of this stuff. All I can wrap my brain around is today and tomorrow. And that means SHABBAT. Phew! One more hour of hustle and bustle, then many hours of reflection, and lots of good conversations with dear husband and children. I'm really looking forward to this one even more than usual. Today. Tomorrow. That'll do.

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