Friday, January 14, 2011

Book Review: Treasure Island

First published in 1883 and written by Robert Louis Stevenson, I knew there was a good chance we would enjoy the rich language in this exciting tale. And enjoy it, we did! It's the ultimate pirate story (and yes, the pirates are unsympathetic, unglorified characters). There is a strong focus on the moral development of the youngest character, and on the moral choices the other characters make. Every chapter was a cliffhanger, and all the kids really enjoyed the book. Two thumbs up!

Having finished that, we tore through another Nancy Drew book before starting Five Little Peppers and How They Grew. And how have they grown so far? The first fourteen chapters has been full of nothing but utter gratitude to Hashem, and complete hakaros hatov (recognizing the good). As good as Little House on the Prairie for modeling good middos. This was written in 1881, a good decade for books! More to come...

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