Friday, April 20, 2012

The Menu

We're baaaaaaack, after two weeks away and a few days of post-pesach recovery. I have no idea what we ate for pesach. Wait, yes I do. I'll try to recreate it even though most of the post-pesach meals were completely improvised. :) We were definitely in vacation mode!

For dinner:

roasted chicken with potatoes and carrots
roasted bok choi
roasted sweet potatoes
roasted balsamic onions
steamed (for a change) corn
strawberries and mixed fruit sorbet

For lunch:

beef barley not-cholent with homemade kishke
mint-stuffed eggs
pesto orzo broccoli salad
potato torta (potatoes, sausage, onions)
marinated pan-fried zucchini
carrot salad
peanut butter cup bars

Good shabbos!

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